Vladimir Golovnev: the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) rating proves that the Moscow Region is comfortable for business.

Vladimir Golovnev:  the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) rating proves that the Moscow Region is comfortable for business.

For the third year in a row, the Moscow Region is among the top leaders of the rating, having significantly increased its position in recent years.

The rating has been compiled by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects (ASI) together with leading business associations since 2014 and is a tool for evaluating the efforts of authorities at all levels to improve business conditions.

The governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov stressed: "In order to be interesting to business, we try, first of all, to simplify processes and procedures, make it more convenient to support entrepreneurs. All this makes it possible to create more and more jobs and increase investments in the region's budget."

In recent years, the Moscow Region has made a huge leap in the development of convenient, understandable and accessible services for businesses. In many ways, this was facilitated by the transition "to digital", it became possible to solve many issues "online", saving time and money. The Governor and the Moscow Region Government team pay great attention to business problems and try to find an individual approach to each entrepreneur working in the region," concluded Vladimir Golovnev, the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region.

Автор: OS, YM
Источник: Пресс-служба Владимира Головнева


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Boris Titov Business Ombudsman Moscow region Protection of Business Protection of the Business The Moscow Business Ombudsman Vladimir Golovnev Vladimir Golovnyov Андрей Воробьев Балашиха Борис Титов Владимир Головнев Защита прав предпринимателей МСП Московская область Налоги Общественная приемная Опора России Подмосковье Правительство МО Правительство Московской области Прием предпринимателей Прокуратура Прокуратура Московской области Роспотребнадзор Уполномоченный Уполномоченный по защите прав предпринимателей в Московской области ФНС ФНС России Химки Экспертный Совет бизнес бизнес в Подмосковье бизнес-омбудсмен бизнес-омбудсмен Московской области бизнес-омбудсмен Подмосковья вебинар мособлдума налоговая служба наше подмосковье обращения общественные приемные поддержка МСП поддержка бизнеса подмосковье для бизнеса предприниматели предприниматели подмосковья проверки производство работа с обращениями

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