The Clean River campaign was held in Pavlovsky Posad.

The entrepreneur is a caring and enterprising person.

For the seventh year in a row, this is proved by entrepreneurs of the Pavlovo-Posadsky city district participating in a team competition for garbage collection.

During the Clean River campaign, entrepreneurs of Pavlovsky Posad cleared more than 14 kilometers of the Klyazma River from garbage. About 4 cubic meters of waste were taken out of the water. The organizer was Margarita Smirnova, the head of the public reception of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the city district of Pavlovsky Posad.

- The Clean River campaign is a useful and unifying event. I want to emphasize that the initiative in holding it always comes from business, and our task is to support and unite. Every year the team is replenished, and there is less and less garbage in the river. This year, 24 people took part in the competition. All of them are heads of industrial, commercial, and manufacturing enterprises in our city district," Margarita Smirnova said.

Автор: OS, YM
Источник: Пресс-служба Владимира Головнева


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