Odintsovo entrepreneurs discussed ways to solve the shortage of personnel at enterprises.

At the initiative of the head of the public reception of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Odintsovo city district Valentina Stepanova, a round table was held on the topical topic "The personnel reserve is in the hands of entrepreneurs. Approaches and success stories".

The event was co-organized by the business community of the Odintsovo district and the Odintsovo branch of the “Opora Russia” business Association.

Entrepreneurs of various business forms took part in an active discussion.

Olga Selezneva, the Head of the Volin Technical Center, shared her experience in training specialized personnel for her company. Colleges and technical schools that train specialists in working professions have now joined this process.

Selezneva suggested organizing study tours to enterprises for young people together with their parents so that they could see enterprises and organizations where the workflow takes place directly.

 The topic of career guidance excursions was also supported by Alexandra Gres, the head of the Goldfish Family Club. She noted that "such excursions provide an opportunity for children and teenagers to visit the enterprise live, to see firsthand the professional staff, to feel and touch with their hands what people of this profession work with, and of course, to ask questions."

The participants also noted that in order to solve the problem of personnel shortage, it is important to identify the discrepancy between market requirements and existing training programs.

At the end of the round table, the participants were reminded that on June 28th of 2024, from 10:00 to 14:00, the All-Russian Employment Fair will be held in Odintsovo city district at Bolshye Vyazemy, Mozhaiskoe Highway 2A. Everyone is invited to the event.

Автор: OS, YM
Источник: Пресс-служба Владимира Головнева


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