The farmer has been provided with a land plot without bidding.

The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region Vladimir Golovnev was approached by the head of a peasant (farmer) farm with a complaint about the actions of the administration of the Serpukhov city district. 

The entrepreneur said that he had repeatedly applied to the administration with requests for the provision of a land plot for agricultural activities without bidding. For each such request, the administration first offered the applicant to consider land options, but subsequently gave a written refusal.

Based on the results of consideration of the applicant's arguments, the Commissioner concluded that the grounds for refusal to provide a land plot did not comply with the land legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to fully and comprehensively review the appeal, at the initiative of the Commissioner, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region organized a meeting, which was also attended by the applicant and representatives of the administration of the Serpukhov city district.

The entrepreneur was asked to provide the administration with a development plan for the territory and re-submit documents for the provision of a land plot, which he did.

By the decision of the administration, the provision of a land plot of about 70,000 square meters has been previously agreed to the farmer.

Автор: OS, YM
Источник: Пресс-служба Владимира Головнева


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Boris Titov Business Ombudsman Moscow region Protection of Business Protection of the Business The Moscow Business Ombudsman The Moscow Region Business Ombudsman Vladimir Golovnev Vladimir Golovnyov protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Андрей Воробьев Балашиха Борис Титов Владимир Головнев Защита прав предпринимателей МСП Московская область Налоги Общественная приемная Подмосковье Правительство МО Правительство Московской области Прием предпринимателей Прокуратура Прокуратура Московской области Роспотребнадзор Уполномоченный Уполномоченный по защите прав предпринимателей в Московской области ФНС ФНС России Химки Экспертный Совет бизнес бизнес в Подмосковье бизнес-омбудсмен бизнес-омбудсмен Московской области бизнес-омбудсмен Подмосковья вебинар мособлдума наше подмосковье обращения общественные приемные поддержка МСП поддержка бизнеса подмосковье для бизнеса предприниматели предприниматели подмосковья проверки производство работа с обращениями

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