More than 300 tons of noble breed fish are grown per year by the company in Lotoshino city district.

During a business trip to the city district, the fishery was visited by the Head of the city district Ekaterina Dolgasova, the head of the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region Natalia Chudakova, Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Kirill Zhigarev.

A production pond complex with an area of over 1200 hectares for the cultivation of carp, sturgeon, beluga, silver carp, white amur and pike appeared in the Lotoshino urban district in 2019. It was created by a private entrepreneur on the basis of a Soviet fish processing plant, whose history dates back to 1961. The farm supplies fish to retail chains. The average period of fish cultivation is 3 years, it is a rather laborious process.

- Today we visited an enterprise whose work is aimed at implementing the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation and successfully carries out import substitution in the field of the fishing industry. During the trip, the head of the fishery voiced the issues of bringing engineering communications, asphalting roads and access roads, which will allow the company to develop and bring additional taxes to the budget. The Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow region discussed with the management of the farm measures to support agricultural enterprises and offered to participate in competitive procedures that will help solve these issues - said Natalia Chudakova, the head of the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region.

Автор: OS, YM
Источник: Пресс-служба Владимира Головнева


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